Merry Christmas to All

The Spiess household is very blessed this Christmas as our little boy, Jackson was home for the holidays. We know that he was able to make it home prior to his due date because of all the prayers that were out there for him. Plus please keep in mind at the beginning we were told due date or this is truly a miracle to us to have him home.
We can't thank you all enough. We continue to pray that he stays healthy for a long time but especially through the RSV season and at least the next six months which is why mom and Jackson are in isolation for six months.
We want so much to have him meet everyone who has been praying for him and let everyone hold him but we have to stay indoors with only mom and dad in contact with him until June and then we will see what the doctors allow us to do. Right now that was the doctors orders and whatever it takes to keep Jackson healthy is what we will do.
We hope that this Christmas is as blessed for you as it is for us. We hope you realize that we wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for each and everyone of you. We will keep Jackson's blog going as he grows as we want to keep you all included in his progress as you will always be apart of our family.
Dec. 17th to today status...
Jackson has been home for a week and as we left the hospital we thought we had everything undercontrol. Well, famous last words....Jackson's feeds were changed up a bit upon discharge and he had difficulty adjusting as he started to have reflux extremely bad this past week. He didn't sleep and cried these shreaks that we hadn't ever heard before. We have since started him back on 1/2 formula and 1/2 breast milk every feed which helped a little and now he is on prevacide for the reflux and that is finally starting to take effect. We are thankful he wasn't getting sick as his parents were extremely scared. We know how very important breast milk is for babies and hope to eventually get him back on just breast milk but for now 1/2 and 1/2 will have to work.
In fact we went to Children's Hospital ER on Friday night to have him looked at. Fortunately, the rasp mom was feeling in his back was due to reflux and not congestion-thank God. Our baby is now acting like his old first we thought maybe he likes the NICU better which is all he knows. We even started making beeping sounds like the monitors to see if that would help but the spitting up and the bubbles in his mouth told us otherwise. We apologize for not updating you on his homecoming sooner but he did keep us extremely busy this past week and worried.
We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
We can't thank everyone enough for the prayers. We continue to pray that he stays infection free and we pray that this blog update finds everyone happy and healthy.
We have many many many people to thank and we are EXTREMELY APPRECIATIVE to have all of you in our lives.
We love you all!
Jackson, Kyle and Erica
I am so happy for you guys!!! I know that yall still have some time before you are out of the fog but you all look great!!! Jackson is the cutest and I know first hand what all the love and prayers can do when you have a sick child. Enjoy your baby being home and let us know if you need anything. I will leave it at the door or even mail it if needed=) - Carrie Calhoun
Hi Erica and Kyle and Jackson,
Welcome Home! :-)
Congratulations on bringing Jackson home. I imagine it is a bit scary leaving all that support at the hospital. But what progress! We received your Christmas card and just love it. Thanks you so much!! You are very sweet to take the time to do that. Jackson is adorable! and what a cute idea to dress him in a little Santa suit! He is precious. The photo of the 3 of you going home is beautiful. Mom and Dad you look wonderful! Good luck at home. and know that our prayers for Jackson will continue.
Lots of love, Carol and family (gustafson)
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