2.12.08 Update
Hello Everyone,
Well, we have figured out that if we do not keep up with the blog then we are in deep trouble. Mom has started three different books filled with updates on the kids, now..where did all the books go. We decided to try and do updates as often as possible to keep everyone posted on how great GOD is, our family is for sure witnesses to this. We have 2-25 weekers in the family, 2-29 weekers and a 39 weeker!
The Spiess boys....Wow, are they getting big and we are doing so many different things now.
Tyler is almost walking. On February 17th we will hit 10 months and so far we have taken 2 steps on our own (Feb 10th was his 1st 2 real steps on his own). We wonder if he will start walking by 10 months or may hold steady at this until he gets closer to 12 months. Hmmmm...either way, Tyler gets wherever he wants to go on his own. He climbs on everything and lately his favorite toy is the rocking horse. Mom continues to try and help him on the horse thinking he wants to rock but no....he lets her know he just wants to climb all over and try to get on the horse himself. He also climbs up the indoor play slide, turns himself around and scoots to slide down it. Again, mom is NOT to help him. Tyler displays his independence by throwing FITS if you do anything he does not like hence try to help him or when you take paper away from him that he wants to eat. We love it. It is now funny since we hear his screaming tantrums so often we just shrug our shoulders and tell him...Well, you can't have that and let him continue with his fit. Jackson is also very used to the fits...not that Jackson isn't displaying his "wonderful" two year old independence. Tyler has 4 teeth now and back to the not wanting any help.....will only eat food if he can feed himself. He literally just started eating baby food after many attempts to get him to eat the food, about 2 weeks ago. We thought he just wanted mom's milk only but have now come to the conclusion that he just wants to feed himself. We are happy to say that Tyler will eat a little if you put it on the spoon and hand him the spoon to feed himself or give him some type of finger food (crackers, etc).
Jackson is also growing so fast. He is talking with sentences more and more (not always very clear but we are working on this). He also is into reading his books to us or Tyler which we love. He makes the stories up to the pictures! Sooooo cute. Jackson's latest thing to do is tell us, "no" and mean it. He also likes to look the other way when we try to explain why he can't do something. Who would have thought keeping a straight face would be so hard when disciplining your child. They are just a riot sometimes. Jackson and his time out chair are starting to become attached to the rear- just kidding. Some days it seems that he just wants to go to time out and sit there all day. Once he told mom that he needed to sit in his time out chair....so we are starting to consider taking a toy away verses time out. We can't believe how tall Jackson is now. He just is getting so big so fast. We are very blessed to be where we are today! Everytime Jackson does something intentionally wrong to test the waters....mom wants to celebrate even though she has to do the parenting thing of time out. When he intentionally tells her no, or purposely waits until she tends to Tyler to dump his milk on his plate (the latest trick) she knows that he is thinking it through! Go Jackson and Tyler!
The boys are having so much fun playing and wrestling together. It is a sight to see...
We pray all is well with you!
The Spiess Family