April through May's Blog update....
Well, it has been 4 weeks and 3 days since Tyler’s birth and we have started to surface from the chaos. We have a good start so far on getting the blog up to date- but I need more time for the April to May post. BUT...
We hope and pray all is going well with you! I also wanted to email everyone and Thank them for all the prayers, flowers, gifts, cookies and congratulations. We are one very blessed family to have you all in our lives.

We hope and pray all is going well with you! I also wanted to email everyone and Thank them for all the prayers, flowers, gifts, cookies and congratulations. We are one very blessed family to have you all in our lives.

Tyler did have some reflux issues which since we have been through this before we knew exactly what the issue was and seem to be on top of it- so far.
This time around it didn’t take as long to get on a med that seems to be working and we are so very thankful for that. We also as of today do not have to mix formula with breast milk and mom is happy to not have to do this!
Tyler is now on prevacid and Axid together and after 5 days of prevacid we will no longer need to give him Axid.
How are the boys alike?-
Well, they both had/have reflux but they also both loved to eat. Tyler is starting to look more and more like Jackson did as a baby as he gains weight. Tyler loves to eat which Jackson did too and we are very thankful for this. In fact- Tyler was born at 7 lbs 9 oz- dropped to 7lbs 3 oz and went home on Saturday April 19th at 7lbs 3 oz. Monday was his first pediatrician appointment and he weighed 7lbs 6 oz. Then one week later he had another appointment and was at 8lb 9 oz. The doctor was very impressed. We wonder if some of the reflux issues isn’t from his constant eating : )
How are the boys different?
Well, Jackson never was into a pacifier and Tyler- never leave home without a pacifier.
Jackson didn’t really did need/like to use his swing, Tyler loves his swing.
Difference for mom and dad-
Totally different….
1st managing a house with 2 under the age of 2….HOLY COW! It is busy…but these little guys are the BEST!
Less stress on the medical end! – Phew..
It is very different having a full term baby. We have already taken Tyler to the Domain (favorite for the Spiess as it never is too busy and there are fountains that Jackson LOVES to play in) and to the March of Dimes Walk- mom is so happy we ended up going as we were up in the air on this one due to her not able to walk it and whether it would be too hot for Tyler, etc.
It was great to catch up with friends we saw at the walk! We are so thankful we went and we definitely all wanted to be there to support our family of micropreemies and preemies…yes we have another little one born shortly after Tyler was born- Allison Marie Shepard.
We would like to ask everyone to please keep our niece/cousin in their prayers .
Allison Marie Shepard whom was at 25 weeks gestation just like her cousin Jackson. We know those who have called mom or dad are aware and are praying and I can’t thank you enough..We know the prayers and excellent medical care helped us make it to where we are today with Jackson and continue to help us! Allison is in a great NICU and so far we are very blessed with her progress.
Again, we can’t thank you enough for all the support everyone has given us.
Kyle, Erica, Jackson and Tyler
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