March of Dimes Walk
Thank you so much for anyone and everyone who is involved with March of Dimes in some way. We also want to thank everyone who walked and/or sponsored Jackson! We were so grateful to Team Jackson's Journey for joining us for the walk or sponsoring us. We can't thank everyone enough! Our T-shirts are also in so Mom will be contacting you soon!
May 12th was a big day for many! We had the chance to walk with miracles and the best part is we were able to bring our little miracle with us. Jackson was a trooper! We started getting him ready around 7 a.m. with a bottle, then clothes change and then caking on the sunscreen. We packed the car the night before just so we were prepared and hopefully would make it to the walk on time. We took some pictures because we didn't know how nervous we would be during the walk with trying to work with Jackson. We also didn't know how Jackson would do being out and about....Well, the little man did just fine. Jackson got to the walk and met up with Shelly, Lyndsay,Tim, Karen, Anne, Olivia, John, Kevin, Michelle and Megan all his walking buddies. Jackson needed some fuel before the walk so we took a bottle and missed the start of the walk which was nice since there were so many people ...we ended up brining up the rear of the walkers. Once the walk ended we grab our sandwiches, ate and then went home.
May 12th was a big day for many! We had the chance to walk with miracles and the best part is we were able to bring our little miracle with us. Jackson was a trooper! We started getting him ready around 7 a.m. with a bottle, then clothes change and then caking on the sunscreen. We packed the car the night before just so we were prepared and hopefully would make it to the walk on time. We took some pictures because we didn't know how nervous we would be during the walk with trying to work with Jackson. We also didn't know how Jackson would do being out and about....Well, the little man did just fine. Jackson got to the walk and met up with Shelly, Lyndsay,Tim, Karen, Anne, Olivia, John, Kevin, Michelle and Megan all his walking buddies. Jackson needed some fuel before the walk so we took a bottle and missed the start of the walk which was nice since there were so many people ...we ended up brining up the rear of the walkers. Once the walk ended we grab our sandwiches, ate and then went home.
We can't thank everyone enough for their support. We are getting ready for this coming year's walk. It was great to just get out and actually see people! That is what Mom and Jackson were really excited about.
Thank you so much!
Kyle, Erica and Jackson
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